School & District Management Opinion

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodnight

By Tom Segal — April 03, 2014 1 min read
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Dear EdWeek community,

This post will mark the final contribution to Reimagining K-12. For the past year and a half, Matt and I have relished the opportunity to engage with you, our loyal readers, and share our experiences from inside the blossoming world of EdTech investing (did you hear that half a billion dollars was invested in Q1 alone?). We’ve come a long way from our humble roots.

Since the launch of this blog, we have tried our darnedest to provide you with a holistic view of the start-up scene that is driving advances in both the delivery and consumption of technology in the classroom. We have discussed why Venture Capitalists are better served having a social mission, why the diversity of the acquisition market is so key to EdTech’s ascent, and why there is no bubble in EdTech investing. We’ve attempted to crowdsource the goal of K-12 education and laid out some tips to entering the world of EdTech startups (and the financing that comes with it). We have explored how fantasy sports and Breaking Bad overlap with trends in education, harassed Jaime Casap via the postal service (not really), and used words like Sardoodledom for no apparent reason. We’ve interviewed everyone from Joel Klein to Gerald Chertavian to Ilan Zechory (and many a fascinating, trendsetting CEO in between). We even managed to get a Governor to pen an op-ed on his experiences with K-12.

Most of all, we have enjoyed expounding upon the things that we do everyday and thinking critically about how they affect a greater community.

I’d like to thank Michelle Davis, Jason Tomassini, Kevin Bushweller, and all current and former members of the EdWeek team that have been so kind and helpful to us, and provided us with a platform to reach lovers and believers of the transformational power of education across the globe. You guys rock.

If you ever find yourself missing our quick wit and insightful prose - feel free to come visit us and/or drop us a note at www.rteducation.com. We won’t bite... Hard.

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The opinions expressed in Reimagining K-12 are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.