This second of three Quality Counts 2021 installments surveys school- and district-level leaders on their spending hurdles, priorities, and fiscal readiness as they work to recover from the pandemic. It also includes national and state-by-state grades and rankings on key school finance indicators that provide important context for policymaking.
- Education Funding From Our Research Center Nation Earns a 'C' on School Finance, Reflecting Inconsistency in K-12 Funding and EquityThe Edweek Research Center's latest analysis finds a gulf in many states between per-pupil spending and how that K-12 money goes out.States From Our Research Center State Grades on School Finance: 2021 Map and RankingsExamine the grades and scores that states and the nation earned on school finance, along with how they scored on a host of indicators.Budget & Finance From Our Research Center School Leaders Say Stimulus Cash Will Go a Long Way—But Deep Funding Challenges RemainAn EdWeek survey finds many districts avoided the dire fiscal fate predicted last spring. But a flood of federal aid poses stark choices.States From Our Research Center State and National Highlights Reports (Quality Counts 2021)The Quality Counts 2021 State Highlights Reports capture the key data you need to assess your state’s performance.States From Our Research Center A User’s Guide to the Grading and MethodologyHere's a quick and easy guide to the grading scale and each of the indicators that go into making up the 50-state grades for school finance.Quality Counts Special Report Quality Counts 2021: Chance for SuccessThe nation progressed in recent years on key factors setting students up for success in school and later life. But COVID-19 threatens that.
In March 2024, Education Week announced the end of the Quality Counts report after 25 years of serving as a comprehensive K-12 education scorecard. In response to new challenges and a shifting landscape, we are refocusing our efforts on research and analysis to better serve the K-12 community. For more information, please go here for the full context or learn more about the EdWeek Research Center.