New research suggests that video lessons result in higher levels of retention and engagement among students, compared to lectures.
Researchers tracked the engagement and content retention of 12 high school seniors during their biology classes, according to a report published online April 30 in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. The study was published as an early-access proof, which means it was accepted for publication, but not yet finalized.
As part of the experiment, lessons in the study were presented using different teaching styles, including videos and lectures, after which students took a multiple-choice quiz. Students were also hooked up to electroencephalography headsets that recorded brain-to-brain synchrony, which is how participants modified their actions in response to social factors, such as teachers, another student, or a video.
Video lessons resulted in higher content retention and engagement across the board. However, in lectures where students liked their teacher more, or experienced greater social closeness to their teacher, there was less of a difference in retention and engagement. In pre-study and post-study questionnaires, students provided information about class and content likability and their closeness towards the teacher and other students.
The study supports previous research that social networks may support development, learning, and performance.
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