A committee of educators has released a report detailing 141 errors, many of them they say are racially charged, in a proposed Mexican-American-studies textbook for Texas public high school students.
State board of education member Ruben Cortez, Jr. asked seven professors and a high school teacher to review the proposed textbook Mexican American Heritage. Cortez wants the board to reject the text and reopen bids for a new one.
Activists and professors have criticized the textbook, for example, for painting the Chicano movement as a “threat to society.”
Directors of Professional Development influence purchasing decisions, but how well do you understand the key factors at play? Test your knowledge of this key buyer persona and see how your results stack up with your peers.
Eaton Fire evacuees Ceiba Phillips, 11, right, adjusts his mask as he and his mother, Alyson Granaderos, stand next to what remains of their in-law suite during Ceiba's first visit to their home since the fire in Altadena, Calif., on Feb. 8, 2025. For students, fires and other natural disasters tend to exacerbate the already-negative affects of being out of school.
A sign is seen outside of Seminole Hospital District offering measles testing, Feb. 21, 2025, in Seminole, Texas. The biggest risk from the outbreak is to unvaccinated people, but a small number of people who were vaccinated decades ago might need updated shots to ensure they’re protected.
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