Special Report
School & District Management Explainer

VUCA: What It Is and Why It Matters to Schools

By Kevin Bushweller & Emma Patti Harris — April 27, 2021 7:00
VUCA: What It Is and Why It Matters to Schools

You may not know what VUCA is, but you are living it, probably more than ever before. It is a way to describe and understand the increasingly complex environment that businesses, governments, and schools are operating in.
V is for Volatile.
U is for Uncertainty.
C is for Complexity.
A is for Ambiguity.
That’s VUCA and let’s take a look at why it matters, especially for school and district leaders.

Kevin Bushweller oversees coverage of educational technology and learning environments for Education Week.
Emma Patti Harris is a deputy managing editor for Education Week who oversees visuals and immersive experiences.

Coverage of leadership, summer learning, social and emotional learning, arts learning, and afterschool is supported in part by a grant from The Wallace Foundation, at www.wallacefoundation.org. Education Week retains sole editorial control over the content of this coverage.


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