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A Victory for Obama: Now What?

By Michele McNeil — May 07, 2008 1 min read
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Now that Obama seems poised to wrap up the Democratic nomination with a victory in North Carolina and a narrow miss in Indiana, the pundits are starting to examine where Obama goes now.

And if he wants to win, that means Obama needs to start pivoting to the center, some say. Fordham’s Mike Petrilli writes on Flypaper about what that could mean for his education policy stances.

As a personal aside, I have to say that I was surprised that Obama did as well as he did in Indiana. I was expecting Hillary Clinton to more soundly beat him, and that’s because, of all the candidates, it’s obvious that he is the one who most represents change. And if there’s one thing Hoosiers don’t readily embrace, it’s change. One of the most heated battles I ever witnessed as a Statehouse reporter in Indianapolis was when Gov. Mitch Daniels dared in 2005 to suggest Indiana should switch to Daylight Saving Time. (We Hoosiers thought it was silly to change our clocks to get an extra hour of daylight, even if the almost the entire rest of the country did.) After months of passionate, sometimes nasty debate, the bill passed the legislature by a single vote. So now Indiana switches its clocks like everyone else. But people still gripe about the change.

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A version of this news article first appeared in the Politics K-12 blog.