In grades 5-7, grades that have seen sharp increases in ELA passing rates over the past two years, the percentage of New York City students scoring in the highest performance category has decreased substantially. You can find those results here. Interestingly, this is only true for ELA, not math.
* In 2006, 8.7% of 5th graders scored at Level 4 on the ELA. This year, only 4.3% did.
* In 2006, 7.1% of 6th graders scored at Level 4. This year, only 2.2% did.
* In 2006, 4.7% of 7th graders scored at Level 4. This year, only 1.6% did.

Anyone have ideas about what’s going on here? Fordham’s report on high achieving students in a NCLB era provides some insight, I think.