Last week, Madame Secretary unveiled a shiny new toy called the “National Dashboard.” I pooh-poohed it, saying that most of these data were already available in the National Center for Education Statistics’ Common Core of Data or elsewhere. After checking it out (and seeing how pretty it is!), I like it. If you need a tidbit of data quickly, this is helpful, and most data consumers aren’t going to take the time to navigate the Common Core. Score one for the Madame.
What does the dashboard include? Demographics, percentage of schools by state making AYP and in restructuring, NCLB funding, percentage of teachers that are highly qualified in low and high poverty schools, percentage of students proficient by subgroup on the state test and NAEP, graduation rates, percentage of students taking AP exams, and the percentage of students using tutoring and choice options. Check out your state at the link above.