- Every Student Succeeds Act Scrambling to Fill Out ESSA's Policy DetailsThe 21st edition of Quality Counts examines what states and districts are doing to make ready for the Every Student Succeeds Act's implementation, and offers state-by-state grades for how the nation's schools are faring on a range of educational measures.Every Student Succeeds Act Tricky Balance in Shifting From ESSA Blueprint to K-12 RealityA year after the Every Student Succeeds Act became law, it remains a work in progress as states, districts, and a shifting cast of federal officials prepare for ESSA's classroom debut in the 2017-18 school year.Every Student Succeeds Act States' Capacity a Nagging Issue as ESSA Gears UpThe big job of retooling state education systems under ESSA will take staff resources and funding, both of which are still squeezed in states across the country.Families & the Community Hard Listening as States Seek Public's Voice in ESSA PlansThose with a stake in their local schools watch closely to see if their views will be taken seriously by states as required under the Every Student Succeeds Act.Every Student Succeeds Act Perspectives on ESSAWhile education professionals around the nation prepare for the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, four educators—including a teacher, principal, district leader, and state chief—and a civil rights advocate share their unique perspectives on the new law.Every Student Succeeds Act Funding Twists, Tight Budgets Loom for States at ESSA's DebutThough it's not a spending measure, the Every Student Succeeds Act contains important new fiscal elements that could be affected by the federal budget debates in Washington.Every Student Succeeds Act Making Sure That Schools Measure Up Under ESSAHere's a concise guide to key school accountability provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act, including how states and districts handle teacher evaluation, gauge school progress, and fix their lowest-performing schools.Every Student Succeeds Act States Preparing Expanded Toolkit in Assessment of School QualityEducators are still wrestling with what they should add to the mix of indicators to meet the Every Student Succeeds Act’s mandate to go beyond just test scores.Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA Highlights Absenteeism as a Key Challenge for SchoolsReporting mandates, new leeway in using federal aid, and the chance to make student absenteeism a school-quality indicator all raise the issue's policy profile.Every Student Succeeds Act States Move With Caution in Weighing ESSA Testing PilotA limited program built into the Every Student Succeeds Act offers a handful of states the chance to develop innovative assessments, but the process is off to a slow start.Every Student Succeeds Act States, Districts Still Wrestling With Flexibility on AssessmentsEducators welcome the Every Student Succeeds Act's lighter federal reins on testing, but want to make sure those tests still do what they need to do.Every Student Succeeds Act Assessing Quality of Teaching Staff Still Complex Despite ESSA's LeewayStates are all over the map when it comes to how they're looking to approach teacher-evaluation systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act.Every Student Succeeds Act Special Education Groups Push for ESSA RepresentationAdvocates for those with disabilities push to ensure the interests of such students are well-represented in states' Every Student Succeeds Act plans.Federal ESSA's Impact for English-Learners UnclearAdvocates are keeping close tabs on states over concerns about resources, staff, and know-how to meet the Every Student Succeeds Act's mandates regarding English-language learners.Early Childhood Integrating Early Education Into State ESSA PlansLearning goals, funding strategies, and support for local districts are top of mind as states plot their prekindergarten course under the Every Student Succeeds Act.Every Student Succeeds Act Nation's Schools Get Middling Grade on Quality Counts Report CardOverall, the nation's schools earn a C on educational performance in the Education Week Research Center’s latest annual report, based on a range of key indicators.Education Quality Counts 2017: State Report Cards MapThis interactive map offers a quick way to examine state-by-state grades and summary data.States From Our Research Center Quality Counts 2017: State and National Highlights ReportsThe Quality Counts 2017 Highlights Reports capture all the data you need to assess each state's performance on key educational outcomes.Education Quality Counts 2017: Grading CalculatorThis grading calculator allows users to adjust Quality Counts category and subcategory weights in one percentage-point increments to generate new user-defined scores.Education MethodologyQuality Counts 2017 includes overall, summative letter grades and scores for each state and the nation. Read how the Education Week Research Center graded the states.
In March 2024, Education Week announced the end of the Quality Counts report after 25 years of serving as a comprehensive K-12 education scorecard. In response to new challenges and a shifting landscape, we are refocusing our efforts on research and analysis to better serve the K-12 community. For more information, please go here for the full context or learn more about the EdWeek Research Center.