Schools and the Stimulus 2010
- Special Education 'Funding Cliff' Hits Special Education in N.C. DistrictLike many districts, New Hanover County, N.C., schools used federal economic-stimulus aid to pay for special education teaching assistants. Now that the money has run out, it may be time to let them go.Education Funding Losing States in Race to Top Scramble to Meet PromisesImplementing ambitious plans pledged during the application process could prove tough without the federal funding.Education Funding News in Brief 20 States Split $250 Million To Expand Data SystemsThe awards seek to help states link data about students from their early-childhood years into their careers.Federal Several States Stay Off Charter School BandwagonIn her small timber town in northern Idaho, Christina Williams enrolled her son in the closest public school because she had few other choices near her home.Federal Philanthropies Add Weight to 'i3' EffortA new effort by 12 major education philanthropies aims to dovetail with the Education Department’s ‘i3’ agenda, raising complex issues.Federal Push to Spur Innovation Raises Hopes—and EyebrowsA new effort by 12 major education philanthropies aims to dovetail with the Education Department’s ‘i3’ agenda, raising complex issues.School & District Management Alaska Opts Out of Race to the TopJuneau, Alaska
While many states have accepted an educational reform challenge in the federal Race to the Top program, Alaska is watching from the sidelines.Education Funding Teachers' Group Opposes Ga. Bid for Federal MoneyOne of two groups representing Georgia teachers will announce Wednesday that they are opposed to the state's application for federal "Race to the Top" money.School & District Management Race to Top Hopefuls Seek to Crack 'Buy-In' PuzzleApplicants look for district and union support without diluting proposals and hurting their shot at the $3.4 billion still left.Federal Fla. Sends Schools Revised Education Grant PlanState education officials have released a new federal "Race to the Top" grant application with changes designed to win more support from teachers unions.Teaching Profession 275,000 School Jobs on Chopping Block, Survey SaysLocal superintendents warn of deep personnel cuts in the 2010-2011 school year.Education Foundations Seek to Leverage Innovation FundingTwelve philanthropies hope to use $506 million in funding to encourage innovative education programs in line with the Education Department’s “i3” program.Education Funding Race to Top Round Two Heating UpStates and teachers' unions clash over policy changes aimed at securing some of the $3.4 billion in stimulus grants still left.Federal Opinion Did Congress Authorize Race to the Top?Grover J. "Russ" Whitehurst questions whether the Obama administration has the authority to set the policies that are determining its allocation of stimulus funding.Education Tenure Rules Tightened as Md. Gears Up for Race to Top BidTeachers would have to put in three years, instead of two, to earn tenure, under recently passed legislation.Federal Scramble Begins for $650 Million in 'i3' FundingNearly 2,500 districts, schools, and nonprofits say they plan to vie for innovation grants to target education's most vexing problems.Education Funding $3.5 Billion in Turnaround Aid Flowing to StatesStates and school districts will be under intense pressure to make dramatic—and rapid—changes at their lowest-performing schools.Teaching Profession Duncan Urges New Aid to Save Education JobsThe education secretary testifies that Congress should act to help states and districts avoid massive layoffs.Education Funding Districts Report Grim Outlook as Stimulus FadesLayoffs, program cuts, and other drastic steps loom as economic-stimulus aid dries up, a survey of school administators finds.Federal Race to Top Rules Aim to Spur Shifts in TestingTwo types of grants will be awarded—one for "comprehensive assessment systems" and one for high school end-of-course tests.Teaching Profession Race to Top Win Poses $100 Million Test for DelawareThe state now begins the hard task of turning its school reform plan into reality, with the help of federal stimulus aid.Education Funding Tennessee Targets Teaching With Race to Top WinningsBetter educator quality and turning around schools are key elements of the reform plan that made the state one of just two first-round winners.States $3.4 Billion Is Left in Race to Top AidFederal grants to Delaware and Tennessee set the dynamic for the next round of funding decisions.Education Report Roundup Teachers and the Economic StimulusThe federal economic-stimulus package can be credited with paying for 342,000 teaching jobs nationally this school year, according to a new report.Education News in Brief States Make In-Person Pitches for Share of Race to Top FundsRepresentatives of the 16 states that are finalists in the $4 billion Race to the Top competition faced panels of judges in Washington earlier this month.Education Fla. Schools Chief Vows 'Race Is Far From Over'Florida fell short on school district participation and teachers union support Monday in its bid to win a federal "Race to the Top" education grant, but it'll get another chance to compete in a second round.School & District Management Washington Gov. Signs K-12 Reform Bills Into LawGov. Chris Gregoire returned to her hometown high school Monday to sign into law a package of education bills, including a plan that could help the state compete for a slice of the Obama administration's $4.35 billion Race to the Top program.Education N.Y. Gov. Says Foes 'Blew Off' Race to Top BidGov. David Paterson said Monday he wasn't surprised that New York missed out on up to $700 million in federal education grants, but he believes the Legislature can act to give the state a strong entry for the next round of funding.Federal Local Buy-In Helps Two States Win Race to TopDistrict and teachers’ union support, and strong data systems, were keys to victory for Delaware and Tennessee in the contest’s first round.Education Funding Stimulus Aid Yanks States' Spending LeashBadly needed federal cash requires states to maintain education funding at levels that may be tough to meet.Education Funding Opinion A 'Race' With Many WinnersThe success of the competition’s first-round winners will be in part because of civic coalitions' work to build political will for change in their states, Suzanne Tacheny Kubach writes.School & District Management Opinion The Evidence on Race to the TopCriticism of the federal initiative has been heated and widespread, writes Douglas N. Harris, but are the naysayers right?School Choice & Charters Federal Money a Factor in Miss. Charter School DebateMississippi legislators are considering a charter school proposal that proponents say could better position the state for the federal Race to the Top competition and provide an option for parents with children in struggling schools.Education In Flip-Flop, Montana Opts to Vie for Race to TopMonths after Montana education leaders said the requirements for a type of federal education grant pushed an urban agenda onto rural states, those same leaders are putting together an application for the next round of Race to the Top grants.Education Funding La.'s Race to Top Team Navigates Last-Minute BumpAn all-white delegation was to make the pitch for a share of the $4 billion in stimulus money, until a black lawmaker was put on the team.Education Minn. Teachers’ Union Battles Race to the Top ChangesWhether Minnesota would submit a second application for hundreds of millions in federal education grants was in doubt Tuesday as the powerful state teachers union came out against a teacher licensing bill that would help the bid.States Race to Top Hopefuls Honing In-Person Bids for Share of $4 BillionFifteen states and the District of Columbia prepare for next week’s high-stakes pitch for $4 billion in stimulus grants.Education News in Brief Federal Officials Tell California to Prove 'Maintenance of Effort'State officials must respond to allegations that the state’s proposed K-12 budget falls short of meeting the required “maintenance of effort” provision in the federal economic-stimulus law.Education W.Va. Gov. Determined to Call Education SessionThe Legislature can count on returning to the Capitol soon to ensure West Virginia wins funding during the next round of federal "Race to the Top" education grants, Gov. Joe Manchin said Monday.School Choice & Charters R.I. Lawmakers to Ease Limits on Charter SchoolsHouse Speaker Gordon Fox and Senate President M. Teresa Paiva-Weed said they plan to accompany a state delegation to Washington on Wednesday to support Rhode Island's bid for the federal funding.Education Committee Starts Work to Revamp Teacher TestingA committee appointed after Tennessee lawmakers enacted major changes to the state's k-12 education policy is working on a fast timeline to create a pilot teacher evaluation system.School & District Management Wash. Lawmakers Settle on K-12 ReformsState lawmakers passed a bundle of major education reforms Thursday, including a plan that should help the state compete for the Obama administration's $4.35 billion Race to the Top program.Education W.Va. Gets $22 Million to Turn Around Bad SchoolsNearly $22 million in federal stimulus money will help West Virginia's worst schools take drastic measures, including replacing principals and overhauling curriculum, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced Thursday.Federal Finalists Cram for Race to Top PresentationsFifteen states and the District of Columbia prepare for next week’s high-stakes pitch for $4 billion in stimulus grants.School & District Management Gov. Says Wash. School Reform Is RequiredGov. Chris Gregoire said Tuesday that she'll keep lawmakers in Olympia until they resolve their debate over school reform.Education Funding The Sweet Sixteen: Race to Top First-Round Finalists SnapshotsThis interactive map shows highlights from the 16 Race to Top finalists' proposals. Details include grant amount requested, districts buying-ins, and use of funds.Federal Final Rules Unveiled for 'i3' Innovation FundThe Education Department is still requiring a private-sector match and tough evidence for the $650 million in competitive stimulus grants.Education News in Brief Firing of Teachers at Rhode Island School Ignites BattleNo more than half the teachers at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island would be hired back under the controversial moved.Education News in Brief Nevada Lawmakers Remove Block to Eligibility for Race to Top GrantsNevada lawmakers have passed a bill lifting a roadblock to the state’s eligibility for competitive federal education grants.States K-12 Cuts Loom Again as States' Fiscal Woes ContinueAbout half of the states expect to slash education spending in the coming fiscal year, prompting fears of layoffs, class-size hikes.Education Funding Peer Reviewers Winnow Race to Top HopefulsExpert panels play a key role in determining who makes the cut in the $4 billion stimulus grant competition.Education Wash. Governor Confident of School Reform EffortsSome have criticized Gov. Chris Gregoire's education reform proposal for lacking boldness, but she said the bill moving through the Legislature has everything necessary to prepare the state to apply for millions of new dollars from the federal government.School Choice & Charters Va. Legislators Still Weighing Charter-School BillA Senate committee is getting more time to consider legislation that would expand the state's role in the charter-school approval process and would potentially allow more of such schools to open in Virginia.Education Nev. Acts on Teacher Evaluations in Race to Top BidNevada lawmakers Wednesday passed a bill lifting a roadblock to Nevada's eligibility for competitive federal education grants.Education Funding Concerns Raised About Impact of Stimulus on EquityShort-term aid may have long-term consequences for funds targeting students with disabilities and other disadvantages, researchers say.Education La. Educators to Be Tested in Race to the TopPastorek responded: "There's no doubt in my mind that the federal government will ensure that we live up to the terms of our plan. Even if I get run over by a truck tomorrow, we have to comply with this plan regardless and there are plenty of safeguards in place to make that happen."Education Obama to Students: See You at GraduationComing to a high school graduation near you: President Barack Obama.Education Most Calif. Schools Bow Out of Race to Top BidLess than half of California school districts and only about a quarter of teacher unions have promised to make key education reforms required for the state to win $700 million in competitive federal grants, officials said Wednesday.Education Mich. Education Dept. Seeks Reform Office FundsThe Michigan Department of Education said Wednesday it needs $2.2 million over the next 18 months to set up and staff a school reform office required by state law.School Choice & Charters Bill Would Lift Limits on Idaho Charter SchoolsAn Idaho lawmaker has introduced a bill that would allow more charter schools to open to aid underserved students.Education Schools Face Big Budget Holes as Stimulus Runs OutThe nation's public schools are falling under severe financial stress as states slash education spending and drain federal stimulus money that staved off deep classroom cuts and widespread job losses.Education Funding Concerns Raised About Impact of Stimulus on EquityShort-term aid may have long-term consequences for funds targeting students with disabilities and other disadvantages, researchers say.States Education's Share of Some State Budgets DropsDespite the stimulus, an analysis found a decline in the share of the state budget in 13 of 23 state plans examined.Education News in Brief Report Calculates Stimulus Saved 329,000 School Jobs Last FallIn the last three months of 2009, the education portion of the federal economic-stimulus program paid for 329,551 school-related jobs, according to the latest reports from states and school districts.Education Funding Schools Stuck at Bottom Target of $3 Billion PushThe infusion of federal stimulus money is intended to supercharge efforts to overhaul the worst-performing Title I schools.Federal Race to Top Sets Stage for ESEA ReauthorizationThe Education Department is expected to keep championing many policies it has prodded states to adopt in the grant competition.Special Education Title I, Spec. Ed. Aid Casts Long Stimulus ShadowAdvocates worry that districts’ choices to use the money to fill budget gaps and avoid layoffs may come back to haunt them later.Teaching Profession Stimulus Reflects Push for Teacher EffectivenessThe legislation emphasizes on-the-job performance as a gauge of teacher quality more than such criteria as formal credentials.Budget & Finance Fiscal Stability Allows for Long View on StimulusThe extra funds offer Arkansas a chance for lasting investments, while officials remain aware that caution is the watchword in spending.Education Multiple Stimulus Aid Streams Flow to Ed TechStates and school districts are tapping into several pots of federal economic-stimulus money to rev up their educational technology.Education Funding Dueling Objectives Mark Stimulus at Halfway PointThe long-term impact of the huge influx of federal education funding remains uncertain as the flow of $100 billion in aid continues.Education Funding Aid Lets Hard-Hit State Keep Programs AloftSchools around Las Vegas made quick use of federal stimulus funding as Nevada copes with high unemployment and other problems.Education Funding As Education's Funding Cliff Nears, Anxieties RiseStates and school districts are already mapping strategies to maintain their momentum after the federal stimulus aid stops flowing.Education Private Sector Competes for Share of Stimulus PieBoth for-profit and nonprofit organizations are being tapped to play roles as the federal money opens new business opportunities.School & District Management Six States Sign On to School Turnaround ProjectThe multistate effort seeks to remove the barriers that have hindered previous attempts to turn around low-performing schools.Assessment States Rush to Join Testing ConsortiaHoping to win some of the $350 million at stake in Race to the Top money, most states have signed on with multiple common-assessment groups.States States Said to Lag in Using Data Systems WellAn advocacy group says states should focus on effectively analyzing and sharing education data, not just building information infrastructure.Education Funding Obama to Seek Up to $4 Billion Boost for EducationThe president voices support for K-12 education in a State of the Union speech that calls for freezing other domestic spending.Education Funding Obama Seeks to Make Race to Top Grants Permanent ProgramThe president says he will ask for an additional $1.35 billion in his budget request and open the competition to school districts.Federal States Vie to Stand Out in Race to Top ProposalsNow facing a gantlet of reviewers, states’ applications for the competitive grants contain common themes but differ markedly in the details.Education 11 Wis. School Districts Reject Stimulus MoneyEleven Wisconsin school districts want nothing to do with a highly touted federal grant program that could direct thousands of dollars to their classrooms.Education N.H. Districts Get Laptops with Stimulus DollarsSchools in 22 New Hampshire towns will be flush with laptop computers, digital cameras and other technology thanks to federal stimulus money.Standards & Accountability Quality of Questions on Common Tests at IssueCost, reliability, and governance may deter states from using the kind of open-ended questions called for by Race to the Top.School & District Management Duncan Tells Mayors to Expect Incentives in ESEADistricts’ achievement gains could earn rewards under a renewed version of the law, the education secretary said at a national conference.States States Change Laws in Hopes of Race to Top EdgeA spate of hard-fought legislation around the country was aimed at earning points in the competition for federal stimulus aid to education.States All But 10 States Throw Hats Into Race to Top RingStiff competition is expected for the $4 billion in federal economic-stimulus grants aimed at spurring state-level education reform.Education Funding District Stances on Race to Top Plans VarySome district and union leaders around the country are refusing to back their states’ applications for the competitive federal grants.Education Funding Obama to Seek $1.35 Billion Race to Top ExpansionThe budget proposal would open the high-profile grant competition to districts—and extend it beyond the economic-stimulus program.Education Funding Experts Weigh In on 'Race to Top' Testing RulesIn a second round of hearings, federal officials seek guidance on how to shape rules for the economic-stimulus assessment competition.Education Tenn. Governor, Teachers' Union Agree on Testing DealGov. Phil Bredesen's proposal to require up to half of teacher evaluations and tenure decisions to be based on student testing scores cleared its first major legislative hurdle on Wednesday.Education Funding Perry: Texas Won't Seek Federal Education FundingTexas won't compete for up to $700 million in federal stimulus money for education because the program "smacks of a federal takeover of our public schools," Republican Gov. Rick Perry said Wednesday.Education Louisiana Board Endorses 'Race to Top' BidThe state's top school board has approved Louisiana's bid for federal prize money despite reservations about the highly charged issue of linking public teacher pay to performance.Education Tenn. Lawmakers Given First Look at Education PlanLawmakers got their first detailed look Monday at Gov. Phil Bredesen's education proposals for a special legislative session, though some complained that they weren't given a full account of the plan.Education Mass. Renewing Push for Longer School DaysMassachusetts is renewing its push to lengthen the school day, from adding more charter schools to appealing for federal grant money that could bring longer days to more traditional public schools.School & District Management Calif. Lawmakers Pass Major School-Reform PackageThe California Legislature on Wednesday sent Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger landmark education reforms designed to overhaul the state's worst schools and let parents send their children elsewhere.School & District Management Calif. Education Reform Bills Before State SenateFacing a fast-approaching deadline, California senators are being asked to back education reforms that give parents and state officials authority to overhaul the state's worst schools.Education Funding Queries Abound on RTT ProcessAs states consider which round of Race to the Top Fund grants to apply for, the U.S. Dept. of Education is emphasizing that they shouldn't worry about being first in line to win a piece of the $4 billion being awarded.Federal States Change Policies With Eye to Winning Federal GrantsThe 'Race to Top' competition is spurring policymakers to change rules so that states meet the criteria for the stimulus money.IT Infrastructure & Management States Struggle to Put Together Programs for Sharing K-20 DataMore states are taking strides to connect K-12 data systems with postsecondary institutions, but challenges remain.Education News in Brief South Dakota Eyes Federal Money for School for Native AmericansUnder South Dakota's proposal, partners would establish a year-round residential school, for grades 9-12 and two years of postsecondary education.