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UPDATED: Ed Sec Watch: Arne Duncan?

By Alyson Klein — August 08, 2008 1 min read
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There have been a number of names floated around the edublogs as possible Secretary of Education under a potential Obama administration, including former Govs. Roy Romer of Colorado and Jim Hunt of North Carolina. Another name is Linda Darling-Hammond, who has been advising the Obama campaign. And some folks have also mentioned Andrew J. Rotherham, co-director of Education Sector. (I would miss his blog if he got the nod).

But it’s also possible that if he wins, Sen. Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic nominee, would look no farther than his own home state of Illinois - at Chicago public schools superintendent Arne Duncan. Apparently, the two play basketball together.

It’s been said that the statements - one by the Education Equality Project, another by a coalition of researchers and policymakers called the “Bigger, Bolder, Broader”, released the same week and intended to influence the Presidential campaign - represent the two factions of the Democratic party on education policy.

Duncan signed both statements. Obama has also said he agrees with both.

What do you think? Possibility or no? Any other ideas of who would make a good Education Secretary under an Obama or McCain administration? Michele and I are open to any and all tips on this topic, so please shoot us an email or post in the comments section.

Alexander Russo over at This Week in Education thinks we should cross Duncan off the list.

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