A rewrite of the No Child Left Behind Act may be making its way through Congress. But for now, the Obama administration’s waivers are the law of the land. They’re in place in 42 states and the District of Columbia. Every state with a waiver applied for renewal, and Nebraska went after the flexibility for the first time. More renewals are expected to roll out this summer.
So far, two dozen states have seen their waivers renewed for anywhere from one to four years. Four years, of course, takes us beyond the end of the Obama administration, and it’s really unclear what the accountability picture will look like at that point.
Having trouble keeping track of which states have been renewed and which are still waiting? We’ve got a map for that. It’s a work in progress, so if any state is mislabeled or any renewals are missing, please let us know. You can check out a larger, interactive version of the map here.