The Education Week Spotlight on Bilingualism and Remote Learning is a collection of articles hand-picked by our editors for their insights on how educators are remotely assessing English-learners, where existing gaps are, and how schools are encouraging bilingual students.
You get the articles below in a downloadable PDF.
Special Education
Bridging Distance for Learners With Special Needs
The schooling services that English-language learners and students with disabilities receive don’t always translate well to remote learning. Here’s how schools can help.
Families & the Community
Schools Failed English-Learners During the Shutdown. How Can They Do Better?
A new report urges districts to pay close attention to how they choose and use technology for students who are not yet fluent in English.
English Learners
How to Assess English-Learners' Needs From a Distance? Here's Some Help
Unable to conduct in-person evaluations, schools must find new ways to determine if students need English-language-learner support services.
English Learners
English-Learners May Be Left Behind as Remote Learning Becomes 'New Normal'
English-learners often lack access to technology at home, experts and educators say, and their teachers are less likely to assign them to use digital learning resources outside of class.
English Learners
'English-Only' Laws in Education on Verge of Extinction
Arizona is expected to repeal its longstanding ban on bilingual education, following similar moves in California and Massachusetts in recent years.
Helping ELLs Succeed in Distance Learning
Teacher Sarah Said offers suggestions about how teachers can better communicate with English-language learners when teaching online, including by modeling and offering empathy.
Classroom Technology
English-Language Learners Need More Support During Remote Learning
These four evidence-based suggestions can help educators offset learning loss for young English learners, write Leslie M. Babinski, Steven J. Amendum, Steven E. Knotek, and Marta Sánchez.