English Learners Spotlight

Spotlight on Bilingualism and Remote Learning - Second Edition

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Second Edition Bilingualism And Remote Learning Spotlight Title Page

The Education Week Spotlight on Bilingualism and Remote Learning - Second Edition is a collection of articles hand-picked by our editors for their insights on how schools will measure learning loss for English-learners; the struggles serving disabled bilingual students; tips educators are using to teach math, reading, and writing; and hear directly from a first-generation American on what’s working.

You get the articles below in a downloadable PDF.

Special Education Bridging Distance for Learners With Special Needs
The schooling services that English-language learners and students with disabilities receive don’t always translate well to remote learning. Here’s how schools can help.
Corey Mitchell, September 16, 2020
9 min read
English Learners How Will Schools Measure English-Learners' 'COVID-Slide' Learning Loss?
Native-language assessments may more fully reflect what English-language learners know and can do academically after months away from school. But not all states offer them.
Corey Mitchell, June 17, 2020
3 min read
Young boy wearing a mask shown sheltering at home looking out a window with a stuffed animal.
Special Education Schools Struggled to Serve Students With Disabilities, English-Learners During Shutdowns
The needs of students with IEPs and English-language learners were not often met after the pandemic struck, says a federal report.
Corey Mitchell, November 19, 2020
3 min read
English Learners Evaluating English-Learners for Special Education Is a Challenge. Here's Help
Two new resources aim to help educators determine whether English-learners' struggles in schools stem from learning disabilities. Experts say educators often struggle to identify these students and to steer them to the right services.
Corey Mitchell, June 18, 2019
3 min read
Mathematics How to Teach Math to Students With Disabilities, English-Language Learners
Experts recommend emphasizing language skills, avoiding assumptions about ability based on broad student labels, and focusing on students’ strengths rather than their weaknesses.
Corey Mitchell, May 5, 2020
7 min read
Images shows colorful speech bubbles that say "Q," "&," and "A."
Reading & Literacy Opinion Author Interview: 'Reading & Writing With English Learners'
Authors Valentina Gonzalez & Melinda Miller answer questions about their book Reading & Writing with English Learners: A Framework for K-5.
Larry Ferlazzo, December 29, 2020
7 min read
Supportive hand holds up a student who is reaching for a star
College & Workforce Readiness Opinion I'm a First-Generation American. Here's What Helped Me Make It to College
A college junior shares three ways to help immigrant and first-generation students succeed in education.
Roni Lezama, January 11, 2021
4 min read