Data-Driven Journalism

EdWeek Research Center 2 (1)
Journalism Powered by Research
The Research Center teams with Education Week reporters and editors to produce high-profile, data-driven journalism.

Featured Report

  • The State of Teaching, 2024 Edition
    New national data on the teaching profession, vivid reporting from classrooms, and resources to help support this essential profession.

More Data-Driven Journalism

Custom illustration of the silhouette of male and female educators with speech bubbles and math equations all around.
Stephanie Dalton Cowan for Education Week
Photo collage of two teachers working on laptop computer.
Education Week + Getty
Idea, thinking out of the box, creativity and design background, banner, poster. Geometrical style vector design with light bulb, brain, pencil.
iStock/Getty Images
Tight cropped photograph of a bubble sheet test with  a pencil.
Yellow sticky note with black lettering saying AI with like and dislike flag on colored papers with question marks, concept of acceptance and dislike about the AI and the future
John David Escobar/iStock/Getty
A group of high school girls work together to solve an algebra problem during their precalculus class.
A group of high school girls work together to solve an algebra problem during their precalculus class. Nearly 4 in 10 educators said the level of unfinished learning in secondary math was “severe” or “very severe,” a new survey shows.
Allison Shelley for All4Ed
Tightly cropped photo of a group of students sitting at their desks in the classroom using laptops.
A kindergartener in a play-based learning class prepares for outdoor forest play time at Symonds Elementary School in Keene, N.H. on Nov. 7, 2024.
A kindergartener prepares for outdoor forest play time at Symonds Elementary School in Keene, N.H., on Nov. 7, 2024.
Sophie Park for Education Week
Illustration of a large gauge showing sad, smiling, and happy emoji faces with a person in each of the three sections and a female character holding an arrow that is pointing to the smiley face in the center.

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