Arizona lawmakers are scheduled to begin debating a host of bills today that would, among other things, prohibit collective bargaining for public employees and make it even more difficult for unions to deduct money that could go towards lobbying, the Associated Press reports.
Arizona’s legislature is dominated by Republicans at the moment, so there’s a distinct possibility that the measures could pass. While not a required-bargaining state, Arizona school districts can choose to bargain collectively with unions if they want.
Last year, Ohio lawmakers passed a law to outlaw collective bargaining in the state. And Wisconsin Republicans pushed through a bill to limit teacher bargaining to wages, and even then all increases would need to be indexed to inflation. Both efforts faced massive resistance from unions, and the public: the Ohio measure was repealed in a ballot initiative, and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin appears headed toward a recall election.
Elsewhere, AP reports, New Hampshire lawmakers are also considering doing away with collective bargaining and automatic dues deductions from workers’ paychecks.