Aida Walqui, the director of teacher development at WestEd, is the guest tomorrow for a free Webinar about how to provide coherent and holistic professional development to teachers who work with English-language learners. It’s about training both for ELL specialists and content teachers who have such students in their classrooms.
Walqui has created an approach called Quality Teaching for English Learners, or QTEL. It’s based on five principles: rigor, high expectations, high-quality teacher and student interactions, a focus on language, and having a high-quality curriculum. Walqui just co-authored a book that tells more about the approach.
The Webinar is scheduled for tomorrow, April 8, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time. It’s hosted by the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. Register here. (If you click on this link, you can’t return immediately back to this blog.)