MetLife Survey of the American Teacher
The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, conducted by Harris Interactive, has been published annually since 1984. Designed to give voice to those closest to the classroom, the survey explores teacher’s opinions on a specific theme and related topics and brings them to the attention of educators, policymakers, and the public. This page highlights recent coverage of the survey, its findings, and impact.
School & District Management
Survey Finds Rising Job Frustration Among Principals
Three out of four public school principals believe their job has become "too complex," and about a third say they are likely to go into a different occupation within five years, according to a new MetLife survey.
Teaching Profession
Survey: Teacher Job Satisfaction Hits a Low Point
Teacher job satisfaction is at the lowest it's been in more than two decades, likely as a consequence—at least in part—of the economic downturn and resulting education budget cuts, according to a national survey.
Special Education
Survey: Teachers Concerned About Resources for Students With Diverse Learning Needs
A large majority of U.S. teachers believe that schools are not doing enough to prepare students with diverse learning needs for success after high school, according to a nationwide survey released today.
New Directions in Teacher Staffing
Teaching appears to be becoming a bit less rigid as a profession, with a growing number of career-changers working in classrooms and more educators taking on “hybrid” roles within schools, according to a new national survey of teachers.
Not So Great Expectations
While most teachers believe in the importance of holding high expectations for students, many appear to fall short of doing so in practice, according to new nationwide survey of educators.
Educator Teamwork Seen as Key to School Gains
Most principals and teachers say they believe creating school environments that allow educators to work together more would have a “major impact” on improving the chances for student success, according to a new national survey by MetLife Inc.
Report: Teachers See Progress Over Past 25 Years
Teachers’ views on their profession have become markedly more positive over the past quarter century, at least partially validating the widespread school-improvement efforts of the period, concludes a retrospective survey report released this week by MetLife, Inc.