What a year it has been!
I’ll soon be publishing a list of the year’s most popular posts.
Today, I’ll be sharing my personal favorites from the past year (not in any order of preference).
You can see the list after this excerpt from one of them:

What Are the Best Strategies for Small-Group Instruction?
For teachers starting out, take small steps in introducing small-group instruction. Try a single strategy, and add time as you go along.
Teaching About Slavery in the United States? Start With Honesty
Strategies have to include teachers acknowledging what they don’t know and recognizing they have to convey some ugly truths.
6 Small Instructional Changes Teachers Can Make for Big Results
Increasing “wait time,” offering students more choice, and differentiating instruction in simple ways are a few manageable changes.
What Students Think About Their Third Year of Pandemic Schooling
Some are happy to be back, to be with friends and learn in person, while others prefer learning online. And worries persist over COVID.
7 Mistakes Districts Have Made During the Pandemic
Arrogance and looking at students through the lens of deficits, instead of assets, are among the blunders.
12 Ways to Support Afghan Refugee Students
Four teachers with experience teaching refugee students share their suggestions.
Five Strategies for Implementing Accelerated Learning
Nancy Frey and Doug Fisher share suggestions on how to carry out accelerated learning, including through building student confidence.
‘Ratchetdemic: Reimagining Academic Success'—An Interview With Author Christopher Emdin
The author talks about student rights in the classroom, student discovery of knowledge, and viewing students through the asset lens.
When It Comes to Critical Race Theory, Teachers ‘Should Go on Offense With Inquiry’
Four educators respond to conservative attacks on critical race theory and lessons on systemic racism.
The Six Most Effective Instructional Strategies for ELLs—According to Teachers
Teachers share their “go-to” strategies for teaching English-language learners, including sentence starters and Total Physical Response.
Four Strategies for Effective Writing Instruction
Three educators share their best ideas on K-12 writing instruction, including writing frames and graphic organizers.
How Students Want to Reimagine Education Next Year
The main features students are looking for are relevancy and supportive relationships.
Ten Ways I’ll Be Teaching Differently Next Year
I share 10 instructional practices I’ve developed during the pandemic that I will be continuing into the next school year.
Thirteen Instructional Strategies for Supporting ELL Newcomers
Five educators share effective instructional strategies to use with English-language-learner newcomers, including using images and games.
Students Respond to Adults’ Fixation on ‘Learning Loss’
A Boston educator shares three guidelines for responding to “learning loss” she developed based on conversations with her students.
The Idea of ‘Learning Loss’ Begs Us to Ask, ‘Loss From What?’
A Georgia educator challenges the present thinking about “learning loss” and asks, “What if the loss is a loss in inflicting harm?”
‘I No Longer Give Grades on Student Writing Assignments, and It’s the Best Thing Ever!’
Five educators share how they have helped students motivate themselves to revise their writing.