During the summer, I am sharing thematic posts bringing together responses on similar topics from the past 10 years. You can see all those collections from the first nine years here.
Here are the ones I’ve published so far:
The 11 Most Popular Classroom Q&A Posts of the Year
School Closures & the Coronavirus Crisis
Best Ways to Begin the School Year
Best Ways to End the School Year
Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning
Challenging Normative Gender Culture in Education
Cooperative & Collaborative Learning
Teaching English-Language Learners
Today’s theme is on professional collaboration. You can see the list of posts following this excerpt from one of them:

* ‘Teachers & Aides Need to Work as a Team’
Three educators share advice on working with instructional aides/paraprofessionals, including having a “team” mindset and demonstrating empathy.
* A ‘Communication, Action, Reflection’ Cycle Makes a Teacher-Paraprofessional Relationship Work
Three educators share ideas on how to make a teacher-paraprofessional relationship work, including through constant communication, planning, and reflection.
* Tips for Working With Classroom Aides
Four educators share tips on how teachers and paraprofessionals can work effectively together, including by maintaining regular daily communication and providing professional-development opportunities.
* ‘School Library Programs Should Be the Heart of School’
Rita Platt, Penny Sweeney, and Ann Neary provide their thoughts on collaboration ideas for teachers and school librarians.
* ‘Just as School Libraries Have Changed, So Have School Librarians’
Teresa Diaz, Bud Hunt, Marci K. Harvey, Jennifer Orr, and Jen Schwanke offer their suggestions about how teachers and librarians can work best together.
* Ways to Help ‘Student-Athletes Achieve Academic and Athletic Success’
Miray Seward, Stephanie Wormington, Chris Hulleman, Rob Weil, Rita Platt, Douglas Reeves, and Carol Salva contribute their ideas on sports coaches and teachers working as teams.
* How Teachers and Sports Coaches Can Help Ensure That ‘Everyone Wins’
Jill Henry, Jen Schwanke, Brian Preece, Pamela Broussard, and Amy Okimoto share their ideas on how teachers and athletic coaches can effectively work together.
* The Best Co-Teaching Advice Is to ‘Be Resilient’
Elizabeth Stein, Jenny Vo, Becky Corr, Andrea Honigsfeld, and Maria Dove share their commentaries on effective co-teaching arrangements.
* Strategies for Effective Co-Teaching Arrangements
Tan Huynh, Abby Shink, Gloria Lodato Wilson, Joan Blednick, Heather Stinson, Dr. Catherine Beck, and Dr. Heidi Pace talk about the “do’s and don’ts” of co-teaching.
* Ways to Be a Successful Co-Teacher
Amber Chandler, Margaret Searle, Bradley Witzel, and Wendy W. Murawski wrap up a three-part series on how to be successful co-teachers.