Special Report

Ready for What?

Preparing Students for College, Careers, and Life After High School
June 12, 2007
  • Education What It Takes to Graduate for the Class of 2007
    To provide context for understanding high school graduation rates and the high school reform debate more generally, the EPE Research Center collected data on 16 state policy indicators in four categories related to graduation.
    Sterling C. Lloyd, June 7, 2007
    6 min read
    Education Implementing Graduation Accountability Under NCLB
    Results of this analysis reveal that states are beginning to respond to mounting pressure to produce more accurate graduation rates.
    Elizabeth Klemick, June 7, 2007
    9 min read
    Education High School Assessments 2006-07
    One idea driving reform in American education is the notion that schools should be held accountable for performing to meaningful standards for learning.
    Janelle Callahan, June 7, 2007
    10 min read
    College & Workforce Readiness What Does ‘Ready’ Mean?
    There is plenty of confusion about what it means to fully prepare students for life after high school.
    Lynn Olson, June 7, 2007
    17 min read
    States Few States Define ‘Ready’
    Only a handful have spelled out what it means for students to be ready for college or the workplace.
    Sterling C. Lloyd, June 7, 2007
    6 min read
    College & Workforce Readiness Careers Come Into Focus
    Some states are placing their bets on blending academics with high school classes related to the world of work.
    Michele McNeil, June 7, 2007
    8 min read
    Teaching ‘Soft Skills’ in Big Demand
    Interest in teaching students habits of mind for success in life is on the rise.
    Catherine Gewertz, June 7, 2007
    10 min read
    College & Workforce Readiness Learning and Earning
    An analysis shows the relationship between education and pay.
    4 min read
    Student Achievement Executive Summary
    The findings from Diplomas Count 2007 underscore that to earn a decent wage in the United States, young people need to anticipate completing at least some college.
    June 7, 2007
    5 min read
    Mathematics What Kind of Math Matters?
    Some experts say the push for higher-level coursework isn’t a good fit with the skills used in the workplace.
    Sean Cavanagh, June 7, 2007
    9 min read
    Education Sources & Notes
    State has defined college readiness: State has formal expectations for what students will need to know and be able to do in order to be admitted to the state’s two-year and/or four-year institutions and enroll in credit-bearing courses. EPE Research Center annual state policy survey, 2006.
    June 7, 2007
    4 min read
    Education About This Report
    This year’s Diplomas Count explores what it means to ensure that high school students graduate are prepared for both higher education and the workplace.
    June 7, 2007
    1 min read
    Education Graduation Profiles
    About 70 percent of all students in the nation graduate from high school with a regular diploma, according to 2003-04 data from the EPE Research Center.
    June 7, 2007
    3 min read
    Education Opinion Life After High School
    We should take the Education Gospel—a view that schooling focused on preparing students for the world of work can solve society's problems—very seriously, writes W. Norton Grubb.
    W. Norton Grubb, June 7, 2007
    6 min read
    College & Workforce Readiness Opinion Prepared for What?
    The belief that all students need college skills to enter the workforce doesn't match reality, James E. Rosenbaum says.
    James E. Rosenbaum, June 7, 2007
    6 min read
    College & Workforce Readiness Opinion Access to Opportunity
    A dramatic boost in postsecondary degree attainment will prevent us from further expanding the American family-income divide, Anthony P. Carnevale says.
    Anthony P. Carnevale, June 7, 2007
    5 min read
    Education Graduation Briefs
    An original analysis drawing on two national databases shines a spotlight on “jobs with a future” nationally and for each state.
    June 7, 2007
    2 min read