My colleague Lesli A. Maxwell over at the Learning the Language blog has combed the letters to states regarding their requests for waivers to some of the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind law.
At first glance, she found that nearly every state had to tweak its plan to better demonstrate how the needs of students with disabilities and English learners would be addressed. She was looking through each state’s documents on the federal Education Department’s website.
Check out her post to see what was asked of the states, nine of which had to adjust their plans to better address the needs of students with disabilities.
While disability advocacy groups are still combing through the documents, many had concerns when the waiver applications were submitted. The National Center for Learning Disabilities is waiting to read through the approved applications before they pass judgment on them. But the group already issued a cautionary note.
“As states begin to implement the flexibility and reforms in their approved applications, we believe the department must vigorously monitor and correct any shortcomings. We urge the department to continue to demand progress in the academic outcomes of students with disabilities,” NCLD said in a statement. “Anything less is unacceptable.”