Faced with tougher state standards and new research about how children learn, more schools and school districts have plunged into variants of personalized learning, or approaches to instruction that seek to better cater to students' individual learning needs. This special report explores that growing interest in personalized learning, looking at how related instructional initiatives (many of which are costly and technologically intensive) are playing out in the classroom and what solutions and challenges they pose for teachers and schools.
In these videos from our editorial partners at Teaching Channel, teachers and students discuss personalized learning and the instructional approaches that ground it.
Some advocates say that digitally oriented instructional arrangements can improve not only student learning but teachers' working conditions and job satisfaction as well.
Neuropsychologist David H. Rose, a principal architect of Universal Design for Learning, says classrooms need a richer mix of resources and more emotion.
Anthony Rebora, June 18, 2014
10 min read
Patrick Abele, executive director of Project IMPACT, stands for a portrait at North Iredell Middle School in Olin, N.C. Abele cited the district's implementation of technology in helping to achieve more personalized learning.
In 2012, the Iredell-Statesville district in North Carolina won a $20 million grant to pursue a personalized-learning initiative. Now, the district's leaders want to make sure they get it right.
A new book argues that effective school-wide implementation and use of personalized learning is essential to the pursuit of greater educational equity.
Silvestre Arcos, an award-winning math teacher at KIPP: Washington Heights Middle School, says that bringing technology into his classroom has boosted engagement and given him more flexibility to address students' learning needs.
The path to better grading lies in formative assessment and student portfolios, teacher Marie-Levey Pabst writes.
Marie Levey-Pabst, June 18, 2014
8 min read
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