Laptops & Learning: How Technology Is Giving K-12 Education a New Look
May 18, 2022
Illustration by F. Sheehan/Education Week (Images: iStock/Getty and E+)
This special report examines the massive expansion in the use of laptops and digital curricula in K-12 education over the past two years. It takes a hard look at the pros and cons of integrating regular use of new technologies into classrooms and provides a sobering assessment of what will happen if school districts don't start putting in place strategies for how they plan to pay for 1-to-1 computing programs in the years ahead. The report also features exclusive survey data from educators about the use of laptops in instruction.
Illustration by F. Sheehan/Education Week (Images: iStock/Getty and E+)
Students in the aviation program at Magruder High School in Rockville, Md., examine the exposed engine of an airplane during a visit to the nearby Montgomery County Airpark in April.
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