Ed-Tech Policy Collection


Ernest Cline is a writer and techie with a particular passion about education and how it might look in the not-too-distant future.
Ernest Cline is a writer and techie with a particular passion about education and how it might look in the not-too-distant future.
Crown Publishing Group
Classroom Technology Q and A: Imagining a Virtual Education Oasis
Fiction writer and techie Ernest Cline, who has a particular passion for education and how it might look in the future, answers some key questions from Education Week Digital Directions.
February 8, 2012
5 min read
Federal Opinion A 'Split Screen' Strategy for Innovation
Let schools with the will to do so attempt bold change even as others improve incrementally, Ted Kolderie writes.
Ted Kolderie, November 8, 2011
6 min read
Classroom Technology Chat Gifted Students Click on E-Learning
Our guests discussed how best to serve gifted students in an online learning environment, as well as what challenges may arise for this population of students.
September 13, 2011
Curriculum Chat Transforming Curricula Through Multimedia Tools
Our guests answered questions about how to incorporate multimedia tools into the core subject areas of science, math, social studies, and language arts curricula appropriately, effectively, and seamlessly.
May 18, 2011
Student Well-Being Chat Technology Counts: K-12 Seeks a Custom Fit: Schools Test Individualized Digital Learning
Schools are using digital tools in more innovative ways to personalize learning based on students' strengths and weaknesses, and trying to find a balance between using these new approaches and maintaining academic rigor. Our guests discussed the approaches they are using and how they are working to find that perfect balance between innovation and accountability.
March 16, 2011
Curriculum Chat Teaching Digital Writing: More Than Blogs and Wikis
Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, a director of programs with the National Writing Project, and Bud Hunt, an instructional technologist and former language arts teacher, joined us to discuss how new digital tools and platforms are changing writing instruction, and what this means for professional development.
March 15, 2011
Education Chat Strategies for Online Elementary Education
A growing number of teachers are learning to balance instruction in face-to-face and virtual classrooms. Some say having both of those experiences helps boost skills in each environment.
September 1, 2010
Classroom Technology Pa. Districts Pay for Growing Use of Cyber Schools
Paying for students to attend public cyber charter schools is becoming increasingly expensive for local school systems.
McClatchy-Tribune, August 23, 2010
4 min read
IT Infrastructure & Management Chat Mobile Learning: Trends and Challenges
K-12 schools are increasingly exploring ways to put mobile-learning technology, including laptops, cellphones, and iPods, into the hands of students.
March 12, 2010
Curriculum Chat Are Digital Textbooks Starting to Click?
Although advocates of digital textbooks have been touting their advantages for years, it wasn’t until California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced a free, digital textbook initiative that the movement began to gain real traction in mainstream schools.
February 22, 2010
Student Well-Being Why Student Views Matter When Crafting Tech Policy
When it comes to crafting educational technology policy in schools, policymakers are frequently criticized for failing to keep up with advances and then setting rules that are seen, especially by students, as too restrictive.
Katie Ash, January 29, 2010
3 min read
IT Infrastructure & Management Chat Social Networking and Teacher Professional Development
A lively discussion of teacher social networking and its role in teacher learning and career satisfaction, and for suggestions on getting the most out of online collaboration.
November 6, 2009
Classroom Technology Chat Emerging Mobile Technologies for K-12 Classrooms
More educators are considering the use of mobile devices in the classroom, but some critics feel such devices are more of a distraction or annoyance than a learning tool.
July 22, 2009
Classroom Technology Chat One-to-One Computing: Promises and Perils
While interest in programs that put computing devices in the hands of all students and teachers seems to be rising, the financial and logistical challenges of starting and sustaining one-to-one computing efforts are significant.
July 22, 2009