Special Report

Transforming the Classroom

June 6, 2016
  • Rafranz Davis, the Lufkin Independent School District’s executive director of professional and digital learning, takes a look at the way Dunbar Primary School students Alana Booker, left, 8, and Kyla Flemon, 8, interact with the computer.
    Rafranz Davis, the Lufkin Independent School District’s executive director of professional and digital learning, takes a look at the way Dunbar Primary School students Alana Booker, left, 8, and Kyla Flemon, 8, interact with the computer.
    Marie D. De Jesus for Education Week
    School & District Management Teacher Tech Leaders: Rafranz Davis
    This former math teacher is driven to give all students, regardless of ZIP code, more opportunities to use technology to "create to learn."
    Anthony Rebora, June 6, 2016
    3 min read
    Erin Klein, a 2nd grade teacher in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., says teachers should ask two important questions before integrating tech into lessons: Does this tool have a role or purpose in learning? And can we do something different from what we could not do without technology?
    Erin Klein, a 2nd grade teacher in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., says teachers should ask two important questions before integrating tech into lessons: Does this tool have a role or purpose in learning? And can we do something different from what we could not do without technology?
    Brian Widdis for Education Week
    School & District Management Teacher Tech Leaders: Erin Klein
    A resourceful elementary teacher brings digital tools into her classroom to boost problem-solving and collaboration skills.
    Madeline Will, June 6, 2016
    3 min read
    Students in Nicholas Provenzano’s Digital Seminar class at Grosse Pointe South High School in Michigan learn programming to control humanoid and spider robots.
    Students in Nicholas Provenzano’s Digital Seminar class at Grosse Pointe South High School in Michigan learn programming to control humanoid and spider robots.
    Brian Widdis for Education Week
    School & District Management Teacher Tech Leaders: Nicholas Provenzano
    As an English teacher who codes, the author of The Nerdy Teacher blog believes digital education must span subject areas.
    Madeline Will, June 6, 2016
    3 min read
    Classroom Technology Education Week Tech Confidence Index: Teachers and Ed Tech
    The Education Week Tech Confidence Index examines teachers' perspectives on the present and future status of educational technology in K-12 schools.
    June 6, 2016
    Shemya Key, 17, left, and Nele Dixkens, a 16-year-old German exchange student, use a drill press to perfect their miniature-golf project in the engineering room at Monticello High School in Virginia’s Albermarle County school district.
    Shemya Key, 17, left, and Nele Dixkens, a 16-year-old German exchange student, use a drill press to perfect their miniature-golf project in the engineering room at Monticello High School in Virginia’s Albermarle County school district.
    Reza A. Marvashti for Education Week
    Curriculum The 'Maker' Movement Is Coming to K-12: Can Schools Get It Right?
    The movement for more hands-on, student-driven learning is going mainstream, migrating from museums and garages into the highly regulated world of K-12 education.
    Benjamin Herold, June 6, 2016
    7 min read
    Classroom Technology Testing Tech Products in the Classroom
    New initiatives aim to help schools improve piloting of ed-tech tools and make better purchasing and adoption decisions.
    Michelle R. Davis, June 6, 2016
    7 min read
    Teacher's College, Columbia University
    Teacher's College, Columbia University
    Teacher Preparation 5 Schools of Education Making Ed Tech a Top Priority
    Several education schools have taken deliberate steps in recent years to better integrate technology into their curricula to better prepare teachers for modern classrooms.
    Madeline Will, June 6, 2016
    5 min read
    Tammy Glass, a business teacher at Spring Hill High School in Arkansas, enrolled in a coding course to upgrade her school's tech offerings.
    Tammy Glass, a business teacher at Spring Hill High School in Arkansas, enrolled in a coding course to upgrade her school's tech offerings.
    Stephen B. Thornton for Education Week
    Teacher Preparation Arkansas' School-Coding Initiative Centers on Teacher PD
    Arkansas isn't the first jurisdiction to set aggressive coding-education objectives, but its emphasis on teacher training has set it apart.
    Emmanuel Felton, June 6, 2016
    5 min read
    Classroom Technology Teachers Still Struggling to Use Tech to Transform Instruction, Survey Finds
    An exclusive Education Week Research Center survey shows teachers see themselves as ed-tech risk takers but are still struggling to use digital tools to transform instruction.
    Anthony Rebora, June 6, 2016
    4 min read
    A.J. Profeta, left, 17, Danny Marks, center, 16, and Eran Kornfeld, 17, all from the Maritime and Science Technology Academy in Miami, work on their robot during a VEX Robotics Competition at the eMerge Americas technology event, in Miami Beach this spring.
    A.J. Profeta, left, 17, Danny Marks, center, 16, and Eran Kornfeld, 17, all from the Maritime and Science Technology Academy in Miami, work on their robot during a VEX Robotics Competition at the eMerge Americas technology event, in Miami Beach this spring.
    Wilfredo Lee/AP-File
    Student Well-Being What It Takes to Move From 'Passive' to 'Active' Tech Use in K-12 Schools
    Teachers are expected to make sure students are using digital learning devices in "active" ways. But what does that mean and how does that work?
    Benjamin Herold, June 6, 2016
    10 min read
    Lawrence J. Mussoline Superintendent of the Downingtown Area School System since 2009, he created the renowned STEM Academy magnet high school in 2011.
    <b>Lawrence J. Mussoline</b> Superintendent of the Downingtown Area School System since 2009, he created the renowned STEM Academy magnet high school in 2011.
    Education Harvard Business School Examines K-12 Blended Learning
    Downington, Pa., school district's blended learning program captured Harvard's attention because of its efforts to measure effectiveness and initiate a change in district culture.
    Michelle R. Davis, June 6, 2016
    4 min read
    Teacher Preparation Ed-Tech Coaches Becoming Steadier Fixture in Classrooms
    The use of technology coaches in K-12 is on the rise, a response to the growing demands on teachers to use digital tools more effectively.
    Robin L. Flanigan, June 6, 2016
    5 min read
    Students in Jaime Catlett’s 5th grade class make robotic arms from recycled materials at Carolyn A. Clark Elementary School in San Jose, Calif. Catlett’s students used the curriculum from Teaching Garage, an education technology company, to learn about engineering design processes and concepts.
    Students in Jaime Catlett’s 5th grade class make robotic arms from recycled materials at Carolyn A. Clark Elementary School in San Jose, Calif. Catlett’s students used the curriculum from Teaching Garage, an education technology company, to learn about engineering design processes and concepts.
    Ramin Rahimian for Education Week
    School & District Management Program Pairs Ed-Tech Companies, Schools
    The Learning Innovation Hub program, or iHub, allows digital providers to test and get feedback on their products from classroom teachers, in a process meant to nurture improvement and innovation.
    Sean Cavanagh, June 6, 2016
    5 min read