A symbol (**) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.
28--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff members, at the Pasadena Center in Pasadena, Calif. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
28-29--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff members, at the Bayside Expo Center in Boston. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
28-30--School safety: Second Step: A Violence Prevention Program Train the Trainer Workshop, sponsored by the Committee for Children, for K-12 educators, administrators, and counselors, in Plymouth, Maine. Contact: CC, Client Support Services, 568 First Ave. S., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104-2804; (800) 634-4449 ext. 200; fax: (206) 343-1445; Web site: www.cfchildren.org.
28-1--Diversity: White Privilege Conference 5, sponsored by Central College, for K-12 educators, at the college in Pella, Iowa. Deadline: April 1. Contact: Eddie Moore, CC, 812 University, Pella, IN 50219; (641) 628-5134; fax: (641) 628- 5338; e-mail: mooree@central.edu; Web site: www.whiteprivilegeconference.com.
28-23--Science: Workshop: Learning Science Through Inquiry, sponsored by the Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting, for K-8 educators, broadcast online. Contact: Annenberg/CPB, (800) Learner; e-mail: channel@learner.org; Web site: www.learner.org.
**29--Mental health: Anxiety Workshop, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for special educators, in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail: lois.meyer@labschool.org.
29-30--Professional development: Various workshops, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Chicago. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578- 9600 or (800) 933-ASCD; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail: member@ascd.org; Web site: www.ascd.org.
29-30--Teacher education: Workshop: How to Train, Support, and Evaluate Paraeducators, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, for teachers and administrators, at the university in Madison, Wis. Contact: UWM, Office of Education Outreach, 1050 University Ave., Madison, WI 53706-1386; (608) 262-7419; e-mail: outreachinfo@education.wisc.edu ; Web site: www.education.wisc.edu/outreach.
30--Counseling: Northeast Conference: The Healing Power of Story, sponsored by Lehigh University, for educators, school psychologists, counselors, and administrators, in Bethlehem, Pa. Contact: Theresa Freeman, LU, 111 Research Drive, A-219, Bethlehem, PA 18015; (610) 758-6563; fax: (610) 758-3227; e- mail: specprog@lehigh.edu; Web site: www.lehigh.edu/specialseminars.
30-2--Gifted education: National Conference: Beyond IQ: Theory and Practice with the Highly and Profoundly Gifted, sponsored by Gifted Conference Planners, for K-12 educators and parents, in Boston. Contact: Josh Shaine, GCP; (978) 597-0977; fax: (801) 729-5081; e-mail: giftedconferenceplanners@yahoo.com; Web site: www.giftedconferenceplanners.org.
**1-2--Mental health: Selective Mutism Conference, sponsored by the Selective Mustism Anxiety, Research, and Treatment Center, for K-12 educators, at the Embassy Suites in Boca Raton, Fla. Contact: E. Shipon-Blum, SMart Center, 1130 Herkness Drive, Meadowbrook, PA 19046; (215) 887-5748; fax: (215) 887-1098; e-mail: SmartCenter@selectivemutism.org ; Web site: www.selectivemutismcenter.org.
1-4--Linguistics: Annual Conference, sponsored by the American Association for Applied Linguistics, for educators, in Portland, Ore. Contact: AAAL, 3416 Primm Lane, Birmingham, AL 35216; (205) 824-7700; fax: (205) 823-2760; Web site: www.aaal.org.
2--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff, at the Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
2-3--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff, at the Riverside Convention Center in Rochester, N.Y. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
2-6--Professional development: 49th Annual Convention: Teaching the World to Read, sponsored by the International Reading Association, for pre-K-12 classroom teachers, reading consultants, teacher trainers, and researchers, at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center in Reno-Tahoe, Nev. Contact: Virginia Devonshire, IRA, PO Box 8139, Newark, DE 19714-8139; (302) 731-1600 ext. 345; e-mail: conferences@reading.org; Web site: www.reading.org/2004.
3-7--Learning disabilities: 25th National Institute for People with Disabilities International Conference, sponsored by the YAI/ National Institute for People with Disabilities Network, for K-12 educators, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in New York City. Contact: Abbe Wittenberg, 460 W. 34th St., 11th Floor, New York, NY 10001; (212) 273-6193; fax: (212) 629-4113; e-mail: awittenberg@yai.org; Web site: www.yai.org.
3-7--Substitutes: SubWeek, sponsored by the Substitute Teaching Institute at Utah State University, for substitute teachers, with events nationwide. Contact: Geoffrey G. Smith, STI, 6516 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-6516; (800) 922-4693; fax: (435) 797-0944; e-mail: gsmit@subed.usu.edu; Web site: http://subed.usu.edu.
4--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff, at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
4--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff, at the Onondaga County Convention Center at Oncenter in Syracuse, N.Y. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
4-7--Early childhood: Born to Learn Conference, sponsored by Parents as Teachers National Center, Inc., for early childhood educators, at the Millennium Hotel in St. Louis. Contact: PATNC, 2228 Ball Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146; (314) 432-4330; fax: (314) 432-8963; e-mail: info@patnc.org; Web site: www.patnc.org.
5-6--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for K-12 educators, administrators, and staff, at the Convention Center in Edison, N.J. Contact: NACAC, College Fair Department, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-2222; Web site: www.nacac.com/fairs.html.
5-7--Leadership: 16th Annual Superintendents’ Leadership Institute, sponsored by the Education Alliance at Brown University, for superintendents, at the Newport Harbor Hotel and Marina, in Newport, R.I. Contact: Laureen Cervone, EABU, 222 Richmond St., Suite 300, Providence, RI, 02903; (800) 521-9550 ext. 280; e-mail: Laureen_Cervone@brown.edu.
**6-8--Mental health: National Conference on Research and Service in Support of Children and Their Families, sponsored by the Research and Training Center on Family Support and Children’s Mental Health, for pre-K-12 educators, school mental health staff, and administrators, at the Hilton in Portland, Ore. Contact: Lynwood Gordon, RTCFSCMH, PO Box 751, Portland, OR, 97207-0751; (503) 725-4114; fax: (503) 725-4180; e-mail: gordonl@pdx.edu; Web site: www.rtc.pdx.edu/pgConference.shtml.
**11-13--Accountability: 2004 Schoolwide Institute, sponsored by the Region VII Comprehensive Center and the University of Oklahoma, for K-12 educators and federal program administrators, at the Adams Mark Hotel in St. Louis. Deadline: April 23. Contact: Mark Richman, RVIICC, 555 Constitution St., Norman, OK 43072; (800) 228-1766; fax: (405) 325-1824; e-mail: markrichman@ou.edu.
11-14--At-risk youth: The Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Conference 2004, sponsored by Children, Youth and Families at Risk Program, for K-12 educators and researchers, at the Westin Hotel in Seattle. Contact: USDA, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, 1400 Independence Ave. S.W., Stop 2201,Washington, DC 20250-2201; Web site: http://www.reeusda.gov/4h/cyfar/cyfar2004/announcement.htm.
13--Aesthetic realism: The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method Makes Every Subject Truly Anti-Prejudice and Students Learn, sponsored by the Aesthetic Realism Foundation, for educators, in New York City. Contact: Lois Mason, ARF, 141 Greene St., New York, NY 10012; (212) 777-4490; fax: (212) 777-4426; e-mail: arfdn@aol.com; Web site: www.AestheticRealism.org.
13--Education law: 32nd Special Education Law Conference: NCLB and Other New IDEAs, sponsored by Lehigh University, for superintendents, school attorneys, and principals, at the Mountaintop Campus in Bethlehem, Pa. Contact: Theresa Freeman, LU, 111 Research Drive, A-219, Bethlehem, PA 18015; (610) 758-6563; fax: (610) 758-3227; e-mail: specprog@lehigh.edu; Web site: www.lehigh.edu/specialseminars.
14-17--Equity: Commemoration Conference: Brown Plus Fifty-A Renewed Agenda for Social Justice, sponsored by New York University, for K-12 educators, at the university in New York City. Contact: LaRuth Gray, Metropolitan Center for Urban Education, 82 Washington Square E., New York, NY 10003; (212) 998-5137; fax: (212) 995-4199.
15--Montessori education: Pacific Conference: Montessori Meets the Point-and-Click Brain, sponsored by the America Montessori Society, for K-12 educators, in Denver. Contact: Evelyn Jackson, AMS, 281 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10010; (212) 358-1250; fax: (212) 358-1256; e-mail: evelyn@amshe.org; Web site: www.amshq.org.
**20-21--Science: Fourth Annual Leadership Initiative in Science Education, sponsored by the Chemical Heritage Foundation, for K-12 educators, science-based industry personnel, and professional organizations, in Philadelphia. Deadline: May 7. Contact: Don McKinney, CHF, 315 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19106; (215) 925-2178 ext. 320; e-mail: donm@chemheritage.org; Web site: www.chemheritage.org.
23-28--Higher education: 56th Annual Conference, sponsored by the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors: Association of International Educators, for education exchange professionals, in Baltimore. Contact: Shari Thomas, NAFSA, 1307 New York Ave. N.W., 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 737-3699 ext. 254; fax: (202) 737-3657; e-mail: conference@nafsa.org; Web site: www.nafsa.org.
24-25--Home school: 2004 Annual Conference, sponsored by the Parent-Child Home Program, for early childhood educators and administrators, in Garden City, NY. Contact: Michele Morrison, PCHP, 800 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington, NY 11050; (516) 883-7480; fax: (516) 883-7481; e-mail: mmorrison@parent-child.org; Web site: www.parent-child.org.
**24-26--Education finance: Workshop: Education Finance Database Training, sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Institute of Education Sciences, for elementary and secondary educators, researchers, graduate students, and policy analysts, in Washington. Deadline: April 16. Contact: Christine Forest, Synectics for Management Decisions, Inc.; (703) 516-8873; Web site: http://nces.ed.gov/conferences.
**26-28--Research: NELS:88 and ELS:2002 Databases Training Seminar, sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Institute of Education Sciences, for educators, researchers, graduate students, and policy analysts, in Washington. Deadline: April 16. Contact: Joy Butler, Synectics for Management Decisions, Inc.; (703) 807-2315; Web site: http://nces.ed.gov/conferences.
**27--Reading: Midatlantic Conference: Putting Reading Research into Practice, sponsored by AC-ACLD/ An Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities, Inc., for K-12 educators, psychologists, social workers, and school staff, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. Deadline: May 18. Contact: Traci Pellegrini, AC-ACLD, 4900 Girand Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227-1444; (412) 881-2253; fax: (412) 881-8631; e-mail: info@acldonline.org; Web site: www.acldonline.org.