Two New York City schools--the Walden School and the New Lincoln School--plan to merge as a way of fighting rising costs and shrinking enrollments.
The schools’ boards approved the merger last month, choosing as the combined institution’s name the New Walden Lincoln School. It will be located on the first four floors of a 23-story apartment building being built on the current site of the Walden School, at Central Park West and 88th Street. The property was sold to a private developer, which granted the school an ownership interest in the new building.
Until the building’s scheduled completion in September 1989, some Walden students will take classes at New Lincoln. Both schools will lose faculty positions, according to officials.
Both have lost about half of their enrollments since the early 1970’s. Walden, whose tuition ranges from $4,600 to $8,900, was founded in 1914 and enrolls 275 students in pre-kindergarten to 12th grade. New Lincoln, which began as part of Columbia University’s Teachers College in 1917, enrolls 210 students in grades K-12. Its tuition ranges from $6,000 to $9,000 a year.

David M. Pynchon, headmaster of the Allendale Columbia School in Rochester, N.Y., and a former president of the Country Day Headmasters Association, died on May 28 at the age of 60.
Mr. Pynchon was headmaster of Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Mass., from 1968 to 1979, and of the St. Louis Country Day School in St. Louis, Mo., from 1963 to 1968. He also had taught at Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass., and at Williams College.

Showa Women’s University of Tokyo has dropped its plans to buy the TMI sic Academy in Sweetwater, Tenn. The Japanese university had agreed to pay $2.2 million for the boarding school and its 140-acre property.
Sanford Gray, the owner of the 114-year-old school, said it was not clear why the university, which recently opened a satellite campus in Boston, had changed its plans. He said that “other potential buyers’’ were looking at the school.

Boys Town--the famed Omaha, Neb., institution founded by a Roman Catholic priest to house homeless boys--recently dedicated five new facilities for girls, making it one of the largest private residential care-and-treatment centers for girls in the country.
Completion of the new buildings marked the end of an expansion effort that began last year.
Boys Town provides hospital care, education, and other services to 10,970 children. Father Flanagan High School--named after the Rev. Edward J. Flanagan, Boys Town’s founder--is now at full capacity with 300 students, officials said.--K.G.